Backup your server on using megatools
Mega is a wonderful and secure online cloud service that offers 50GB of free storage. So I thought that it would be great using it as additional backup service for my Linux servers. Fortunately there is a good application library and tools to access Mega storage from Linux command line. This tools are called megatools and it is released under GPLv2 license.
In this post I will show you how to compile, install and configure a full backup system for your server using Mega and MegaTools.
First of all register an account with Mega at then follow these instructions to compile and install megatools.
apt-get install -y build-essentials pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfuse-dev glib-networking
tar xzf megatools-${VERSION}.tar.gz
cd megatools-${VERSION}
./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
Note: the above instructions are valid for Debian 7 Wheezy and Debian 8 Jessie. In case you have a different Linux distribution please install the required dependencies.
Now that you have MegaTools installed in /usr/local/bin create a configuration file with your credentials in /root/.megarc:
Username = Your_Mega_Username
Password = Your_Mega_Password
Since the password is in clear, it is important to protect the file:
chmod 640 /root/.megarc
Test now your mega installation and login credentials:
root@debian:~# megals
If all goes well you are ready to prepare your backup script. Create a new file called and place it in /root:
Make it executable and accessible only to root:
chmod 750 /root/
You only need to set a cron-job now to execute the backup every day:
04 04 * * * root /root/
Update 2015-02-14: MegaFuse
I recently found a better tool to accomplish my needings, it is called MegaFuse and it works like a Linux mountpoint. First of all download all needed dependencies:
apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdb5.1++-dev libfreeimage-dev libreadline-dev libfuse-dev make
Then download MegaFuse and compile it:
git clone
cd MegaFuse
Now create a configuration file /root/.megafuse.conf with your Mega credentials:
USERNAME = your_mega_email
PASSWORD = your_mega_password
The above configuration assume you will use /mnt as your mountpoint (change it if you want).
Protect it in the same way:
chmod 640 /root/.megafuse.conf
And this is the revisited script to do the backup:
You can now configure the cronjob:
04 04 * * * root /root/