Matteo Mattei

Hello, my name is Matteo Mattei and this is my personal website. I am computer engineer with a long experience in Linux system administration and web software development.

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Script to remove trailing tilde (~) from temporary files

Using kate as similar text editors, temporary files that have been saved present an annoying trailing tilde that I personally consider useless. I am used to be careful when I edit a file, so I don’t need the backups. For this reason I developed this mini script in bash to remove temporary files from a folder.

rm `find $1 | grep "~$"`

I called the above file rmm and I put it in /usr/bin/ folder. To use it, just place in the folder you have files with trailing slashes and execute it:

$ rmm .

Or directly passing the folder as the first argument:

$ rmm /home/matteo/src

This script is trivial and can be obviously improved. If you want to contribute I will be happy to add your improvements.

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